18 Thoughts (My So-Called Afterlife Book 3) by Ayres Jamie

18 Thoughts (My So-Called Afterlife Book 3) by Ayres Jamie

Author:Ayres, Jamie [Ayres, Jamie]
Language: eng
Format: epub
ISBN: 9781620078327
Publisher: Curiosity Quills Press
Published: 2015-01-26T18:30:00+00:00

“The unleashed power of the atom has changed everything

save our modes of thinking and

we thus drift toward unparalleled catastrophe.”

—Albert Einstein

ate sat with me in the backseat of Nic’s car as she drove us toward my house, Sean riding shotgun. Kyle had gone with Tammy to take Conner to North Ottawa Hospital to be treated for the burns on his feet, already a mess of massive blisters. I’d sent his parents a text telling them to meet Conner there, too exhausted to actually call and explain things. Worst of all, I needed to find a way to tell my parents what happened while convincing them I wasn’t crazy.

The dusk faded into darkness as Nic exited the highway and made her way along the familiar roads. My tired mind clicked off the landmarks: Meijer’s Grocery Store, Walgreens Pharmacy, the post office, the cemetery, my church. Thank God some things stayed the same. As Nicole made the right-hand turn into the parking lot, the streetlights surrounding my apartment complex were just coming on. Even though I’d only left this morning, it seemed like so long since I’d been home.

Sean and Nic muttered their goodbyes as Nate helped me out of the car and walked me to the front door.

“You want me to come inside with you? Assure your parents you aren’t bearing false testimony?”

“Nah, I doubt the Pope could even help me now.”

“All right. Happy birthday.” With a quick kiss on my cheek that made me feel all warm inside despite the cold, he turned on his heel and made his way back to Nic’s car.

Sighing, I gathered my courage for the confrontation with my parents. I really didn’t want to relive the events of the day, would’ve much rather gone to bed instead. But the Jedi Order needed help. The police would never believe what we saw, and out of everyone’s parents, mine were by far the most spiritual. Did my parents believe in demons and angels? I wasn’t sure. None of my friends did until today. My parents definitely believed in the saints and their power to help us though.

I entered the apartment, yelling for my parents. They stepped inside from the back porch, Dad carrying a plate of hamburgers. “There’s our girl! Just in time for your birthday dinner,” Dad exclaimed as I slumped at the sight of his choice of meat, all the memories of the day flooding my insides.

“I think I’m gonna puke.”

“Oh no. What’s wrong? You catch a bug at school today?” Mom inquired, digging through a drawer for the thermometer.

Guess they hadn’t received the automatic voice mail my school sent out for absences yet. A pang of guilt shot through me as I realized they’d figured I’d been at one of my extracurricular activities this whole time. They trusted that I’d never rebel against them, even on the birthday that made me a legal adult. Well, it was time to start acting like one.

“I didn’t go to school.”

It took a while to explain everything from the


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